8.00 am - 9.00 am

Delegates Registration

9.00 am - 9.10 am

Welcome Remarks by Selva Nagappan, Organising Chairman, NextBigTech Asia and Managing Director, Knowledge Group of Companies

Selva Nagappan

Managing Director, NextBigTech Asia and Knowledge Group of Companies

9.10 am - 9.40 am

Keynote Address: From Big Data to Smart Data: The Role of AI in Enhancing Decision-Making

The sheer volume of data generated daily is staggering, but we are not without solution. Artificial Intelligence plays a pivotal role in transforming big data to smart data and helps enhance their decision-making process across various industries.

9.40 am - 10.15 am

Panel Discussion: Making the Most out of AI – Overcoming Implementation Hurdles and Ethical Considerations

The understanding of AI has evolved beyond the “human-like-robot” stereotype, expanding its application across a multitude of industries. AI is now utilized in diverse fields, from financial services to pharmaceuticals. Join industry experts as they share their journeys of integrating AI into their businesses, discuss the challenges they faced, and reveal the outcomes of their AI implementations.



10.15 am - 10.45 am

Morning Refreshments and Tour to Exhibition Space

10.45 am - 11.30 am

Panel Discussion: Supercharge Government: Unleashing AI for Enhanced Efficiency and Transparency

Let’s dive into the transformative potential of AI to enhance efficiency, streamline processes, and improve public services. Experts will discuss the critical importance of transparency in AI implementation, ensuring that the deployment of AI technologies in government is open, accountable, and trustworthy. Learn from real-world case studies and industry leaders about the strategies and best practices for integrating AI into government functions while maintaining public trust and ethical standards.



11.30 am - 12.15 pm

Panel Discussion: Don’t Get Left Behind: Integrate Large Language Models for a Competitive Advantage

Language is a powerful tool, and Large Language Models (LLMs) are revolutionizing the way we wield it in the realm of AI. This session dives deep into how LLMs are acting as a catalyst for transformation across various industries. We’ll explore how their ability to understand and generate human language is being harnessed to bridge the communication gap, unlock innovation, and processing streamline.



12.15 pm - 12.45 pm

Best Practices to Equip Your Organization for a Data-Democratized AI Future

The future of AI is collaborative, and data democratization is the key. Join us as we explore best practices for empowering everyone in your organization, regardless of technical background, to contribute to AI initiatives. We’ll cover the benefits, from innovation to employee engagement, and equip you with strategies for building a data-driven culture, fostering literacy, and unlocking the power of your entire workforce through accessible AI tools.

12.45 pm - 2.00 pm

Lunch Break and Tour to Exhibition Space

2.00pm - 2.45 pm

Panel Discussion: AI-Powered Analytics for Smarter 5G Management

Discover how AI could be utilized by 5G network planner as AI gathers, categorizes, groups and analyzes data, identifying patterns in the data and making decisions about how to respond. This data can be used to improve network planning, traffic management, and improve the business intelligence network operators rely on.



2.45 pm - 3.30 pm

Panel Discussion: The 5G Factory Effect: A Game Changer for Southeast Asia’s Manufacturing Ecosystem?

A benchmark has been set for the smart manufacturing in Southeast Asia’s region as Midea, AIS, China Unicom, and Huawei in implementing Southeast Asia’s first fully connected 5G factory. This milestone sets a new standard for smart manufacturing, enhancing efficiency, safety, and automation in production processes. Explore how these advancements are driving Thailand’s journey towards intelligent transformation and Industry 4.0, highlighting the power of collaboration and innovation in shaping the future of manufacturing.



3.30 pm - 4.15 pm

Panel Discussion: AI and 5G Fusion: Powering a Trade Revolution in Southeast Asia

Experience the future of trade in Southeast Asia with ‘AI and 5G Fusion: Igniting a Trade Revolution.’ This session explores the dynamic synergy between artificial intelligence (AI) and 5G technology, poised to revolutionize trade practices across the region. Discover how the fusion of AI-driven automation and high-speed 5G connectivity is transforming supply chains, logistics, and customer experiences.



4.15 pm - 5.00 pm

Fireside chat: Rulebook for AI: Balancing Innovation, Ethics & Law in Diverse Society

Let’s dissect the perceived “hindrance” of the AI Code of Ethics on the technology’s revolution. Is it truly a roadblock to innovation, or could it act as a catalyst for responsible AI development in diverse society? Join us as we explore the nuances of AI integration within multicultural landscape, unpack the strategies to navigate the new regulatory landscape and unlock the transformative potential of AI.



5.00 pm - 6.00 pm

Evening Refreshment and End of Day One NextBigTech Asia 2024

8.30 am - 9.30 am

Delegates Registration

9.30 am - 10.15 am

Panel Discussion: The Green Mobility Challenge: Data-Driven Road Tax with IoT

Is the flat annual road tax on its last legs? Explores how the Internet of Things (IoT) can revolutionize road tax systems, especially for electric vehicles.  We’ll delve into using sensors to collect real-time data on vehicle usage, emissions, and road conditions, paving the way for a dynamic and fair system based on actual usage and environmental impact. Join us as we explore the benefits of IoT road tax, from promoting clean transportation to ensuring efficient tax collection.



10.15 am - 11.00 am

Panel Discussion: The Future is AI-Powered: Equipping Your Workforce for Success with AI Literacy

Unravel the complexities of AI, focusing on how enhancing AI literacy can empower Malaysians and Asia in general. Join us as we decode the intricacies of AI, highlighting its potential to drive positive change and innovation while empowering individuals with the knowledge and skills needed, and what the key players in the region has done to thrive in the AI-driven world.



9.40 am - 10.15 am

Panel Discussion: Making the Most out of AI – Overcoming Implementation Hurdles and Ethical Considerations

The understanding of AI has evolved beyond the “human-like-robot” stereotype, expanding its application across a multitude of industries. AI is now utilized in diverse fields, from financial services to pharmaceuticals. Join industry experts as they share their journeys of integrating AI into their businesses, discuss the challenges they faced, and reveal the outcomes of their AI implementations.



11.00 - 11.30 am

Morning Refreshments and Tour to Exhibition Space

11.30 am - 12.00 pm

A Huge Leap for Industries: The Future Where Quantum Computing Launch AI Through the Stratosphere

We delve into the groundbreaking intersection of quantum computing and artificial intelligence (AI), two cutting-edge technologies reshaping the landscape of innovation. Explore how quantum computing’s unparalleled processing power is poised to revolutionize AI algorithms, enabling breakthroughs in machine learning, optimization, and pattern recognition and identify how it could leap industry’s approach.

12.00 pm - 12.30 pm

Revolutionizing Healthcare: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in the HealthTech Sector

Explore the transformative potential of artificial intelligence in the healthcare sector, focusing on how AI is revolutionizing diagnosis and treatment processes. This session will delve into the latest AI technologies that are enabling earlier and more accurate detection of diseases, personalized treatment plans, and improved patient outcomes. Understand the challenges and ethical considerations in implementing AI in healthcare and learn how AI-driven innovations are paving the way for a future where healthcare is more efficient, accessible, and precise.

12.30 pm - 1.00 pm

From Blueprint to Build: The End-to-End Impact of AI on Automotive Manufacturing

From design to assembly, AI is revolutionizing the automotive industry. Explore how AI is transforming every stage, from selecting the best materials to optimizing the wiring. Discover the improvements AI offers, from the design phase all the way down to the assembly line.

1.00 pm - 2.15 pm

Lunch Break

2.15 pm - 3.00 pm

Panel Discussion: Fight Fire with Fire: Utilizing AI Against Deepfakes

Deepfakes spreading misinformation? Fight fire with fire! This session explores how AI can be used to detect and combat deepfakes. Hear from the expert on using AI as one of the alternatives to combat misinformation thus creating a safer experience for us.



3.00 pm - 3.30 pm

Reviving Da Vinci and Mozart: Generative AI and the Transformation of Content Creation

This captivating session explores how generative AI is revolutionizing the worlds of art, music, and content creation by harnessing the innovative spirit of historical geniuses. Discover how AI-driven tools are enabling artists, musicians, and writers to push the boundaries of creativity, producing works that blend human ingenuity with machine intelligence.

3.30 pm - 4.15 pm

Panel Discussion: AI and 5G Fusion: Powering a Trade Revolution in Southeast Asia

Experience the future of trade in Southeast Asia with ‘AI and 5G Fusion: Igniting a Trade Revolution.’ This session explores the dynamic synergy between artificial intelligence (AI) and 5G technology, poised to revolutionize trade practices across the region. Discover how the fusion of AI-driven automation and high-speed 5G connectivity is transforming supply chains, logistics, and customer experiences.



3.30 - 4.00 pm

Hardware Arms Race: AI GPU Development Continue at Warp Speed – And How You Should Capitalize on It

The race for the most powerful AI chip is on! Join us as we explore the cutting-edge advancements in AI GPU technology and how they’re revolutionizing fields from research to deep learning. Learn how to capitalize on this “Hardware Arms Race” and leverage the ever-evolving AI hardware landscape to gain a competitive advantage in your industry. This session is perfect for AI developers, hardware enthusiasts, and businesses looking to stay ahead of the curve.

4.00 pm - 4.30 pm

Unveiling the Next Frontier: Exploring Growth Opportunities in Big Tech, Data, and AI

Southeast Asia has come a long way in Big Tech, Data and AI development, and it leaves us with the question of “what’s next?”. Uncover growth opportunities, addressing regional challenges and engage with experts who will forecast the trajectory of the region’s tech dominance, leaving you empowered to capitalize on the exciting possibilities that lie ahead.

4.30 pm - 5.30 pm

Evening Refreshment and End of NextBigTech Asia 2024