YBrs. Mr MA. Sivanesan Marimuthu

Mr. Ma. Sivanesan is currently attached to the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia. He has extensive experience in public finance, especially in tax policies and direct and indirect taxes. He started his career as an administrator and diplomatic officer in 1996 and has served in various capacities in the Ministry of Finance Malaysia since then. Throughout his service, he has been involved in the process of preparing many annual national budgets, where he has contributed to developing various tax policies and incentives for investments. He also led the implementation of the Sales and Service Tax, which was introduced to replace the Goods and Services Tax. Prior to that, he also played a key role in the implementation of the GST, particularly in the policy, publicity, and systems areas. He also spearheaded the restructuring of the excise duty for tobacco and alcohol to streamline the Customs goods assessment and revenue collection. He has also been a panelist for several professional and economic forums, as well as representing Malaysia in the OECD international forums on VAT, fiscal affairs, and taxation. Besides contributing as a board member on several accredited boards, he also leads the Malaysian delegation to international meetings and councils regularly. His current job scope includes matters pertaining to postal and telecommunication policy and regulatory oversight, cybersecurity, and the digital economy. He handles the planning and implementation of MyDigital and 4IR, the National Fiberization and Connectivity Plan, as well as the MERS999 emergency response programmes.